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Author Archives: William Stites
The iPad in Education and the Questions
[New related post – The iPad in Education: The Apps & Deployment – 9/24/2011] Since the release of the iPad, there have been a lot of questions about its use in the education space. As someone who spent the last five … Continue reading
Posted in 1to1, EdTech, iPad, Teaching & Learning, Technical
Tagged 1to1, deployment, ipad, management
Evernote at my School
With the launch of my school’s 1:1 Initiative we gave every faculty member and every student in grades four through twelve a Premium Evernote account. Shortly after the start of the school year Evernote came on-site to record how that … Continue reading
Posted in EdTech, Evernote, Randomness, Teaching & Learning
My day at EdCamp NYC 2010
What do you do on a beautiful Saturday in December in New York City? You attend EdCamp NYC of course! On Saturday, December 4th that is exactly what I did and what a great day it was. EdCamp NYC “is … Continue reading
Posted in Conferences, Schools, Teaching & Learning
Tagged EdCamp, Evernote, Google, NYC, OneNote, Twitter
Design for Distraction
The New York times story “Growing Up Digital, Wired for Distraction” point out many of the ways that technology is ingrained in our students lives and what that means for teaching, learning and distraction. But distraction isn’t anything new. Whether … Continue reading
Posted in 1to1, Design, EdTech, Schools, Social Media, Teaching & Learning
Tagged Apple, Distraction, ichat, Macbook Pro, norms, NYTimes, paper, pencil, SelfControl, Skype, Spaces, teaching, Twitter
Time Machine and Evernote for Disaster Recovery
Oh my god… my hard drive crashed! What do I do now?!? How many times have you had a students or colleagues say these words to you? When they do it is as if their lives — their digital lives … Continue reading
Posted in 1to1, Evernote, Technical
Tagged Adobe, Apple, iLife, iWork, Macbook, Macbook Pro, Microsoft, Time Machine
Untag me
I was walking through the halls of our middle school one afternoon and I saw a student wearing this shirt.
I thought to myself what a simple statement and what a powerful message. Continue reading
Evernote in the Classroom
You can plan, you can train and you can offer all the professional development you want around a curricular initiative, but you never know how well something will truly work until you unleash it into the wild and have the … Continue reading
Talking 1to1 and all things Evernote
On October 27, 2010 I have the privilege to talk to Alex Ragone (@alexragone) and Arvind Grover (@arvind) on edTechTalk’s 21st Century Learning. The topic of the thirty minute discussion was the recent deployment of my school’s 1to1 initiative and … Continue reading
Expanding the Definition of Community to a Global Community
Is community just the area in which you live and work or is it something more? Wikipedia’s definition of community is as follows: Traditionally a “community” has been defined as a group of interacting people living in a common location. … Continue reading
Posted in Blogging, Community, Conferences, Social Media
Tagged Community, edSocialMedia, Flickr, global community, Owen Winkler, Twitter, WordCamp, WordCampPhilly, YouTube